Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New Jobs

One thing I learned pretty early on in my missionary career is that I would find myself facing the challenge of having a job I never dreamed I would have the responsibility of. Being stretched beyond one's biggest dreams in all areas of life. Being a boss took a bit of getting used too. I was never a boss in my own culture and suddenly I was on ein a culture I was just learning. Thankfully it was in the clinic. I then found myself doing plumbing and auto maintenance and generator maintenance. Now, once again I face a daunting new task. I am the new boss of the compound employees. We have three men that work for the compound doing all sorts of odd jobs. A major part of my job will be giving them their job assignment. This year looks pretty painful as there are soakaways to dig, a garbage pit to dig and buildings to white wash. However, first we have to make it through the rains. That is if it rains again. We have only had two rain falls in the month of June. The peanuts are planted and growing, but desperately need water to flourish. Pray for me and this new adventure... pray for the men. Change is a very hard thing to accept even when you are exposed often.

1 comment:

Youngevity said...

I would think that Islam would really frown on a woman assigning jobs. I will certainly pray for both you and the men. Are the men Christians?

The big news around here is the implosion of two Kodak buildings last weekend. I would post a picture but I don't see how.

Thank you for the blogs. It really helps to stay up to date on how you are doing. We are doing well. Our prayers are with you. Thank you for all your doing in our stead.