Saturday, March 29, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

One thing we have always been very thankful for is the clean, good source of water that is available to us. Yesterday I was doing some routine things in the water shed: start the generator, see that it works; power up the other equipment there while the generator is running, etc. I looked at the water tanks and all though they were not full, they were almost full. It seemed to be a right amount for the time of day.

Tonight, I returned home after being in the office all afternoon. I ran the water at my kitchen sink to fill a water bottle. Only a small trickle came out. I dropped what I was doing and went to the watershed. The tanks were just about empty. I checked things out, started the generator (my adrenaline must have been pumping through my veins, I normally can't start get it to start) and tried to get our pump to work. The solar pumps were saying the tanks were full.

I called Max and Barney (on the south bank) and sought advice. I asked if they had the phone number for Duane in America. They didn't but, it was still early enough that if I called our home office, I should be able to get our administrator's assistant AMY and she would have them. I did and she was there and I had the numbers within minutes. I had to wait a bit before I thought Duane would be home. I called and he came to our rescue. A few minutes on the phone and two wonderful emails.... a lot of prayer tonight... and tomorrow morning Jim (here for two more weeks) and I will attempt to solve the water problem.

I praise God HE is in control. The village has water if we can't get it to work. Megan (Jim's daughter) was a bit concerned about that. Thanks to Duane for answering my call.

Stay tuned for more details as they happen tomorrow.

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