Tuesday, October 16, 2007


It is another beautiful day. I called my niece on Sunday, she turned 19. The good news was it was 48 degrees in Ohio. I told her it was a whopping 86 and 68 percent humidity. She wanted some of my warmth, I want some of her chills.

The spider bites have not changed. I took a picture and decided it was too ugly to post. Then today as I was doing some of my odd jobs, vehicle and generator maintenance, I drove out to the literacy center. I was just in time to see them fill the 5th plate (I am talking big plate) with termite dirt frin the battery cabinet. It was rather gross. I was glad I wasn't a Literacy employee. Any way, one of Joanne's employees thinks that it wasn't a spider that bit me but a WONKA that urinated on me. Don't freak. There is a long black bug that it is said, when they excrete on your skin it blisters and burns. So, we are back to not knowing what I have on my legs. I think they are starting to feel better. Until my malaan (skirt) hits the spots.

Have a great day and thanks for praying.

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