You may ask, why is this cute little critter my favorite bug?
It looks fuzzy. But best of all... it doesn't bite!
In a few days they will be gone again until next year.
I was brave and checked it out, they are soft shelled.
Aren't they just too cute!
Okay, they beat centipedes (we are getting tired of killing the babies.... but the big ones are still in hiding), scorpions, pincher bugs and spiders hands down.
I wanted to post a comment because I keep seeing 0 comments to your newest blogs and I don't want you to get discouraged and stop blogging b/c no one is responding. Weinbergs told me about your site and I love checking it and remembering the few weeks we had there last year. We went out to dinner right before Weinbergs left to SA and they had not had a chance to visit your site yet. Maybe they will once they get settled in over there. I told them they needed to blog b/c it helps people stay in touch with what they are doing. It seems higher tech than emailing and they are slower to leap into things just like myself....has to do with our age I'm sure. Ted sounded like it was a very spiritually awakening time to be in Gambia with just men on a team. He said they are more transperant with no women around--wonder what that says for us?! Diane was quite refreshed and ready to head back to that big continent. We were going to join them in Feb but it sounds like most of the work will be done by then. Then they invited us to join them in May on a holy land tour in Israel. That would be fun but we may just save the money and do a long stretch in Togo when they get there. Well keep bloggin! Candy and Gary Cooke
there isnt a cute bug out there. a bug is a bug no matter what....
and that is why God sent you and not me to Africa.
Caleb says he's the only bug I can love....
although I do remebering you would scream when you saw a spider when you were little.
miss you
I found you! I talked about the red fuzzy bugs on my blog too, but I don't have any pictures of them.
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