Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pesky Little Critters....

Rainy season brings with it all kinds of fun looking bugs. Some of them are enjoyable... the butterfly, some are annoying: the flying termite and pincher bugs, and some lay you flat out! I caught a cold the other week and while my defenses were down but rebounding... I most likely ingested a nasty bug. I spent the better part of a week in bed. Didn't have much strength to do anything. I called Teresa late one evening to bring me some antibiotics and to get me on the mend. In the past it has only taken a day or so after the antibiotics are started to start feeling better. This time it took a few days longer. I am praising God that I am better and each day I have a bit more strength. I may even try going to Njufen tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers, they are an encouragement, especially in times like this.


darlene said...

Sorry you are feeling so bad... I do understand what a tiny bug can do. Been there done that. Will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

How did you ingest a bug? Maybe we should send you a care package with something a bit more healthy like cookies.

Joanne said...

So sorry you've been sick. Since you haven't posted recently, I hope that you are doing better by now. "Bugs" from other countries can be really devastating. So, take care of yourself, and we'll be remembering you in prayer.

Dusty Penguin said...

Suellen, I'm so glad you posted on my blog so that I found yours! I hope you're feeling better now.

Dusty Penguin said...

We miss the bright red fuzzy little bugs! We don't miss the rest of them:)